Meeting documents

Dorset County Council County Council
Monday, 15th February, 2016 10.00 am

  • Meeting of County Council, Monday, 15th February, 2016 10.00 am (Item 25.)


The Council received a detailed summary of the scrutiny review from Cllr Andrew Cattaway, as the Chairman of the Task and Finish Group commissioned by the Standards and Governance Committee which considered the future arrangements for overview, scrutiny, audit and governance which had a widespread appetite for change.  It was noted that the review had resulted in a recommendation for the future which was aligned with the corporate aims and the external focus of the Council on the outcomes for residents. On being proposed, the recommendations were seconded by Cllr Peter Wharf.


Members recognised that there were still a range of practical arrangements that needed to be finalised and that a review would be undertaken in 18 months.


It was noted that the proposed new committees would comprise of 10 members and that independent members would no longer serve on the Audit and Governance Committee (in relation to former Standards Committee business). It was also recognised that although the Chairman of the Council would no longer chair the Committee responsible for standards, he would continue to act as the conscience of the council in dealing with member complaints in conjunction with the Monitoring Officer.


The Group was thanked for its efforts, and the Group Manager – Governance and Assurance and the Principal Democratic Services Officer were commended for their hard work and support. 



That the recommendations of the Standards and Governance Committee be approved for implementation from April 2016:

1.         That the current arrangements are changed and Committeeresponsibilities for the ‘Audit’ and ‘Scrutiny’ functions are separated.

2.         That the future committee structure should be based on the Corporate Plan with Overview and Scrutiny Committees for Economic Growth, People and Communities and Safeguarding, with each of them having responsibility for monitoring a number of specified objectives within it.

3.         In addition to existing provisions in the Constitution that the Overview and Scrutiny Committees have the ability to refer matters to the Audit and Governance Committee if there are considered to be any grounds to invoke any of the formal scrutiny processes (e.g. Call in, Call to Account or Councillor Call for Action).

4.         That there should be a formal Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, comprising the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairmen and the Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee.

5.         That the Audit function (of the current Audit and Scrutiny Committee) and the Standards and Governance Committees be amalgamated to form a single Audit and Governance Committee (including those responsibilities previously allocated to the Ad-hoc Accounts Committee), to reduce duplication, following the recommendation from the PwC Review.

6.         That the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee should be from the second and third largest political parties respectively.

7.         That the new Audit and Governance Committee should have responsibility for Call In, Call to Account and the Councillor Call for Action procedure.

8.         That any elected member conduct issues be referred to the Chairman of the Council and the Monitoring Officer, with any unresolved issues being considered by a specialist Panel.

9.         That any change to the committee structure should be underpinned by training and development for Chairmen, members and supporting officers as this is seen as crucial to its success.

10.       That consideration be given to the need for involvement of external bodies in any changes to the committee structure.

11.       That officer support is actively considered and identified for each of the new Committees.

12.       That the role of designated statutory ‘Scrutiny Officer’ is confirmed and the Chief Executive is asked to allocate the designation, in addition to the wider duty of all staff in the council.

13.       That the number of elected member representatives on each of the new overview and scrutiny committees and the Audit and Governance Committee be set at 10. 

14.        That the following appointments be made to the prospective committee chairmen to serve on the shadow Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in advance of formal appointments being made by County Council in April 2016:



Vice Chairman

Audit and Governance

Trevor Jones

Mike Byatt

Economic Growth

Daryl Turner

Hilary Cox

People and Communities

William Trite

David Walsh


Michael Bevan

Pauline Batstone

15.       That the committee structure be reviewed after a period of 18 months of operation.

Reason for Decisions

To align with the vision of the Corporate Plan of ‘Working together for a strong and successful Dorset’.

(Note:   A general interest was declared by Cllr Daryl Turner and Cllr Trevor Jones as chairmen of committees in receipt of a Special Responsibility Allowance regarding the Scrutiny Review.  As this was not a disclosable pecuniary interest Cllr Turner and Cllr Jones remained in the meeting and took part in the debate.

Supporting documents: